Why I can quit smoking but cannot finish my novel, yet

Suzana Widiastuti
3 min readMay 16, 2021
Gambar oleh ROBERT SŁOMA dari Pixabay

Eleven years ago, I quit smoking. As a heavy smoker at the time, my success in quitting smoking surprised many people.

And I’m still committed to not smoking, to this day.

For me, that is a big achievement in life.

I usually smoked 2 packs a day. Then I did not smoke even one cigarette on the first day I decided to quit smoking, and it was going on and on until now.

After a few years and I was still not tempted to go back to smoking, I thought: if I can successfully quit smoking, I should be successful in other things too.

Write a novel, for example.

Well, about this writing thingy .…

I love writing since I was young. In 2005, my friends and I published an indie novel with the editor Bondan Winarno. After we published our collaborative novel, I quit my job to become a writer — yeah, silly, I know. I hung around for six months without a job, then became a corporate slave again — and during that six months gap, I did not finish any writings.

But the desire to write is always there.

I don’t know if my friends only please me when they say, “I love your writing.” But I believe what they say, so I keep writing.

Still, I haven’t finished a single novel yet.

I have written several drafts, though I am not sure where I keep them.

There are always a few new ideas that come and go. Most of which ended up in the draft folder.

And this question always follows me: if I can quit smoking, why can’t I finish my novel?

I understand these are two different things.

But does not it end up being the same, which is, successful in doing something?

First, I managed to quit smoking.

The other one, I need to manage to finish writing my novel.

Why am I successful at one and failing on the other?

Mind you, quitting smoking is difficult.

Only 7% of those who had the intention, managed to quit smoking.

In fact, without cessation support, the success rate is 4%.

So, I should be proud to be part of that tiny portion who has successfully quit smoking.

I thought, if I can conquer such a tough challenge, I should be able to conquer other challenges too.

Apparently not as easy as it sounds.

My novel is far from finish.


If I think about it further, quitting smoking is the same as quitting a bad habit.

And writing a novel includes good habits, writing regularly, continuously, and unceasingly.

Maybe that’s my weakness.

I have no habits, no persistence, and easily give up.

Quitting smoking does not cause me to have new habits.

But to write a novel, I have to have a new habit. That’s what I seem to be missing.

It is not enough to have enthusiasm to succeed, but it needs more than that. Like, technical and mental preparation as a writer.

Maybe I should give it another shot. Shall I finish my novel by the end of this year?




Suzana Widiastuti

I write to inspire. More to inspire myself, to be exact. Could be found on instagram.com/balepoint and irregularly I write on balepoint.com.